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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Gestionale


Access requirements

To enroll in the Master Degree Program in Management Engineering, each student is required to apply for a clearance (nullaosta) before the formal application using the form available on the School of Engineering website. Enrollment requires possession of a bachelor's degree, the B2 level for English (demonstrable through the certification issued by the Florence University’s Language Center (CLA) or at other recognized institutions and earned within the 5 years before enrollment), and the curricular and personal preparation requirements described below. Students from abroad must apply through the web application

Students must all enroll in the Smart Industry curriculum because access to the International curriculum requires participation in a selection process that takes place in February/March of the first year 

Curricular requirements

Curricular requirements for admission to the course consist of possession of a bachelor's degree in class L8 or L9 (or other degree acquired abroad and recognized as eligible) and the presence in the career of at least 155 ECTSs with a grade. The minimum number of ECTSs earned in the learning areas most specific to the training of the management engineer is listed below.

a) Mathematics for management engineering (SECS-S/01, SECS-S/03, MAT/06, MAT/09, ING-INF/04): minimum 15 ECTSs;

b) Economics and business management (ING-IND/35, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/09): minimum 6 ECTSs;

c) Industrial plant management and production technologies (ING-IND/16, ING-IND/17): minimum 6 ECTSs;

(b)+(c): minimum 18 ECTSs;

d) Energy engineering and energy management (ING-IND/10, ING-IND/11, ING-IND/09, ING-IND/08, ING-IND/32, ING-IND/31): minimum 6 ECTSs.

Graduates who do not meet the above requirements for a difference of fewer than 30 CFUs, or who have done internship and apprenticeship activities that do not allow meeting the limit related to 155 ECTSs with graduation grade, will be evaluated by a special committee that will identify compensatory examinations useful to make up for the existing deficiencies that the student must overcome to enroll.

Personal preparation requirements

The adequacy of personal preparation is verified through an interview with a Commission purposely appointed. If the verification leads to the ascertainment of severe shortcomings, the Commission will propose the student a supplementary training pathway aimed at remedying the shortcomings highlighted before final enrollment in the Master Degree Program. Students who graduated in at most four years and with a weighted average grade greater than or equal to 22/30, or who graduated in at most six years, but with a weighted average grade greater than or equal to 24/30, are exempt from the verification interview. In assessing career duration, any academic year attended by the graduate as a part-time student will account for half a year. The Commission may also propose in lieu of the interview, alternative solutions involving a change in the criteria for determining the final graduation grade. The Commission also identifies, as particularly deserving students, those who have obtained a Bachelor's Degree in only 3 years with a weighted average grade above 26/30, or in 4 years with a weighted average grade above 28/30, this assessment will be taken into account when evaluating the final graduation grade.

Clearance for the enrollment

Dates and Deadlines for enrollment of the academic year 2023/2024 are reported below (see Manifesto degli Studi for details).

The clearance for the enrollment can be requested according to the following procedure:

  1. if you hold an Italian Bachelor Degree, you should follow the procedure at link

  2. if you are a non-EU or an EU citizen holding a bachelor’s degree obtained outside Italy and you wish to apply for admission to master programs offered by the University of Florence, please follow the instructions of the online portal for master’s applications.

last update: 19-Aug-2023
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